The new President of Navantia, Susana de Sarriá, was ratified by the members of the Board as the new President of the Spain Australia Council Foundation
The members of the Board welcome the new President, analysed the objectives and activities of the Foundation, and showed their support to her future work as well as to the team of the Foundation.
It was the first time, as well, that the new General Director for North America, Eastern Europe and Asia-Pacific participated in a meeting of the Foundation, Ana Sálomon. Recently she had bilateral consultations with the First Assistant Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ms. Cathy Raper, what gave her the opportunity to outline the present situation of the bilateral relations between Spain and Australia.
The General Director, Mrs. Ana Sálomon, highlighted the importance that the Council Foundations have as a public diplomacy tool for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as for the promotion of the relations between both countries, their societies, companies, and others related with this project.
During the meeting Mr. Alonso Dezcallar, Secretary General of the SACF, announced his appointment as Ambassador of Spain to Croatia. Tins change will be during the regular meeting of the board in December as well as other changes that are also pending.